If you are interested in collecting or requesting plant material from the Arboretum’s living collections for research or educational purposes, please complete and submit our Plant Material Transfer Form below and we will contact you to discuss your request.

Plant Material Transfer Form

*Form approval is required before collection of any material.
Contact Mandy DiBella, Curator of Living Collections, at apd5734@psu.edu with any questions.

"*" indicates required fields

User Information

Date of Collection*
Mailing or Shipping Address*

Collection Use

Species Requested

* Please refer to the Arboretum Explorer tool to find accession numbers of specific plants in the living collections (if applicable).
Scientific Name
Accession Number(s)*
Material Needed (seeds, stem cutting, etc)
Quantity Requested


Plant materials are distributed under the following conditions:
  1. Materials will be used only for the purposes stated in the Project Description.
  2. Materials will not be distributed to others without prior consent from The Arboretum at Penn State.


Type your full name here.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.